Your Impact

When you support Hillsdale College, you take a stand for civil and religious liberties as set forth in our founding documents. Your partnership ensures that our noble mission is carried out in the following key areas:

Classical Liberal Arts Undergraduate Education

A lasting commitment to the objective set out by our founders in 1844. Hillsdale creates leaders worthy of the Western philosophical and theological legacy, beginning with classical K-12 charter schools, and extending to our undergraduate liberal arts college and beyond. Watch this video for more information about how Hillsdale develops minds and improves hearts through classical liberal arts education, year after year.

Free Online Courses for All

The classical curriculum of Hillsdale – available at home. Your support helps Hillsdale offer more than thirty high quality non-credit online courses to the general public for free. These courses bring classical education to hundreds of thousands of people annually, and are modeled after our on-campus education. Please enjoy this video trailer for our course on the Genesis story.


Defending liberty through education. Imprimis uses honest education to push back against harmful false narratives about American history and current events. Millions of Americans count on this long-standing Hillsdale publication as a source of truth. Each issue covers pertinent political, economic, and cultural issues from a constitutional perspective. You can learn more about the intelligent patriotism of Imprimis and access the Imprimis database by clicking here.

Allan P. Kirby, Jr., Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship

A beautiful, 16,000-square-foot permanent campus extending Hillsdale College’s mission to Washington, D.C. Founded in 2010, the Kirby Center hosts Hillsdale graduate students of the Van Andel School of Government, undergraduate students in the Washington-Hillsdale Internship Program, and even statesmen for critical conversations about the Constitution and the principles that made America great. Learn more about the Kirby Center and Hillsdale’s work bringing classical liberal arts education and the principles of liberty to Capitol Hill in this video.

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K-12 American Classical Education

Every child can benefit from classical education based in the liberal arts and sciences. Hillsdale College’s K-12 Education Office works with families, school leaders, and policy makers to grow a nationwide network of classical schools focused on producing virtuous, well-rounded students of great moral character. Hillsdale also provides free resources and professional support to private schools, public schools, and families to facilitate the revival of classical education across America. In the process, children learn to be thoughtful, develop the drive to pursue knowledge, establish excellent character, and develop into well-rounded leaders prepared by the rigor of their education for great accomplishment.

The Graduate School of Classical Education

A master’s degree program that builds the foundation for a lifetime of expansion in classical education — because the best teachers never stop learning. Hillsdale’s on-campus Graduate School of Classical Education provides students with a broad, but thorough, exploration of classical education principles and pedagogical practices. The program centers around core texts from Western and American traditions, and furthermore offers opportunities for apprenticeship and elective study in special topics. Learn more about this exciting new opportunity in liberal arts education in this video.

Exceptional Alumni

Joy Pullmann, class of ’09, has quite the list of accolades to her name. She is the executive editor of The Federalist, a research fellow for The Heartland Institute, a widely published writer, an in-demand speaker, and much more. Impressively, she is also a wife and mother of six alongside her professional accomplishments. Learn more about Joy’s experiences at Hillsdale, her achievements since graduation, and her passion for the College in this inspiring video.

Howard Smith, class of ’68, wisely reminds us that the American dream is real and attainable in this video profile. After graduating from Hillsdale, where he also met his wife, Howard served in the Coast Guard and later became CEO of the Wilson Bohannon Lock Company. He has served on the Board of Directors for notable organizations like the Red Cross and YMCA, and received multiple honors and awards. Watch the video to learn more about his journey with Hillsdale and his successes since attending.

Rod Gladnick, class of ’83, illustrates the values of Hillsdale’s liberal arts education beautifully by saying, “I don’t care what kind of environment you put me in, I am going to learn, and then I’m going to become confident, and then I’m going to compete.” He is both a successful football coach and the former CEO of his own Apical Industries, which produced 90% of the market share of helicopter flotation devices at its peak. Learn more about Mr. Gladnick’s story in this video.

Jared Veldheer, class of ’09, never imagined himself as a professional athlete when he chose the rigorous education at Hillsdale. In a surprising turn of events, he was recruited to Hillsdale football and embarked on a successful 11 year NFL career after graduation. In 2014, he was named team MVP with the Arizona Cardinals. In 2015, Jared also had the highest-scoring offense in the NFL. Learn more about the values, knowledge, and work ethic Jared cultivated during his classical education at the College in this video.

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